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Ghost Spirit Makes your Wolf almost invincible but it also has 0 attack damage 1 Boar Spirit, Bear Spirit, Scorpion Spirit Treasure, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Implosion Pulls in hostile entities within a 5 block radius 1 Infinity, Bomber, Ender Shot, Forge Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment, Flare, Sting Treasure, Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Heroes Crown Gives the wearer the Hero of the Village effect but drowns durability 1 Night Vision Random Loot, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Trial Runner Gives the wearer the Trial Omen effect but drowns durability 1 - Random Loot, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Leaf Jumper Spawns Leaf Blocks when jumping in the air whenever there is enough room below 1 Invisibility Cloak, Soul Speed, Sonic, Sand Speed, End Speed, Strafe Enchanting Table, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Strafe Sprint + Left/Right lets you strafe fast in that direction 1 Invisibility Cloak, Soul Speed, Sonic, Sand Speed, End Speed, Leaf Jumper Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Curse of Undying Turns the tool into a Totem of Undying 1 - Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Scent Wolves make nearby entities glow when they move 3 Fetch Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Fetch Small chance for a Wolf to fetch loot 1 Scent Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Boar Spirit Infuses a Wolf with the powers of a Boar 1 Bear Spirit, Scorpion Spirit, Ghost Spirit Treasure, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Bear Spirit Infuses a Wolf with the powers of a Bear 1 Boar Spirit, Scorpion Spirit, Ghost Spirit Treasure, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Scorpion Spirit Infuses a Wolf with the powers of a Scorpion 1 Bear Spirit, Boar Spirit, Ghost Spirit Treasure, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Blindness Splash Arrows spawn a blindness area effect cloud upon landing 1 Infinity, Bomber, Sting, Forge Shot, Ender Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Glowing Splash Arrows spawn a glowing area effect cloud upon landing 1 Infinity, Bomber, Sting, Forge Shot, Ender Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Hunger Splash Arrows spawn a hunger area effect cloud upon landing 1 Infinity, Bomber, Sting, Forge Shot, Ender Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Invisibility Splash Arrows spawn a invisibility area effect cloud upon landing 1 Infinity, Bomber, Sting, Forge Shot, Ender Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Levitation Splash Arrows spawn a levitation area effect cloud upon landing 1 Infinity, Bomber, Sting, Forge Shot, Ender Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Poison Splash Arrows spawn a poison area effect cloud upon landing 1 Infinity, Bomber, Sting, Forge Shot, Ender Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Regeneration Splash Arrows spawn a regeneration area effect cloud upon landing 1 Infinity, Bomber, Sting, Forge Shot, Ender Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Saturation Splash Arrows spawn a saturation area effect cloud upon landing 1 Infinity, Bomber, Sting, Forge Shot, Ender Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Weakness Splash Arrows spawn a weakness area effect cloud upon landing 1 Infinity, Bomber, Sting, Forge Shot, Ender Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Wither Splash Arrows spawn a wither area effect cloud upon landing 1 Infinity, Bomber, Sting, Forge Shot, Ender Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Flare Arrows explode like fireworks when they land or hit an entity 5 Infinity, Bomber, Sting, Forge Shot, Ender Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment Enchanting Table, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Day Protection Twice the damage protection than the vanilla enchant but works only at day time (overworld) 4 Night Protection, Nether Protection, End Protection, Red Moon, Protection, Fire Protection, Blast Protection, Projectile Protection Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Night Protection Twice the damage protection than the vanilla enchant but works only at night time (overworld) 4 Day Protection, Nether Protection, End Protection, Red Moon, Protection, Fire Protection, Blast Protection, Projectile Protection Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Nether Protection Twice the damage protection than the vanilla enchant but works only in the nether 4 Night Protection, Day Protection, End Protection, Red Moon, Protection, Fire Protection, Blast Protection, Projectile Protection Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
End Protection Twice the damage protection than the vanilla enchant but works only the end 4 Night Protection, Nether Protection, Day Protection, Red Moon, Protection, Fire Protection, Blast Protection, Projectile Protection Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Creeper Alloy Causes an explosion when you are hit 3 Bulletproof, Fire Alloy, Ice Alloy, Darkness Alloy, Shulker Shell Enchanting Table, Random Loot, Traded Books, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Fire Alloy Ignites attacking entities 3 Bulletproof, Creeper Alloy, Ice Alloy, Darkness Alloy, Shulker Shell, Ocean Heart Enchanting Table, Random Loot, Traded Books, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Ice Alloy Freezes attacking entities 3 Bulletproof, Fire Alloy, Creeper Alloy, Darkness Alloy, Shulker Shell, Ocean Heart Enchanting Table, Random Loot, Traded Books, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Darkness Alloy Gives attacking entities darkness effect 3 Bulletproof, Fire Alloy, Ice Alloy, Creeper Alloy, Shulker Shell Enchanting Table, Random Loot, Traded Books, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Shulker Shell Firework, Tridents, (Spectral) Arrows shot at the wearer fall to the ground when wearer stands still 1 Bulletproof, Fire Alloy, Ice Alloy, Darkness Alloy, Creeper Alloy Treasure Enchantments Encore
Bunny Hop Let's you jump higher 3 Enderscape, Swift Sneak Enchanting Table, Treasure Enchantments Encore
End Speed Increases movement speed when in the end 3 Invisibility Cloak, Soul Speed, Sonic, Sand Speed, Strafe, Leaf Jumper, Web Walker Treasure Enchantments Encore
Sand Speed Increases movement speed when on sand 3 Invisibility Cloak, Soul Speed, End Speed, Sonic, Strafe, Leaf Jumper, Web Walker Treasure Enchantments Encore
Crispbread Saturation effect when equipped 3 Cleansing, Rejuvenation, Hardened, Ominous Healing Treasure Enchantments Encore
Crop Dance Sneak-Dance to let crops around you grow 1 Magma Walker, Summer Walker, Grass Walker, Electric Walker, Frost Walker, Depth Strider Treasure, Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Ender Shot Teleports hit entities on the surface randomly 1 Infinity, Bomber, Sting, Forge Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Enchanting Table, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Enderscape You teleport randomly in a 5 block radius when hit on the surface 1 Swift Sneak, Bunny Hop Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Evokers Wrath Arrows spawn Evoker Fangs when they land 1 Quick Charge, Infinity, Sting, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Forge Shot, Ender Shot, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Forge Shot Arrows spawn falling Anvils when they land 1 Quick Charge, Infinity, Sting, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Evokers Wrath, Ender Shot, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Glass Breaker Arrows break Glass Blocks/Panes when they land 1 Quick Charge, Infinity, Sting, Forge Shot, Lightning Bolt, Evokers Wrath, Ender Shot, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Hardened Extra armmor when equipped 5 Crispbread, Rejuvenation, Cleansing, Ominous Healing Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Phantom Menace Increases Damage against Phantoms 5 - Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Pufferfish Has a chance to spawn a pufferfish when the hit entity is in water 1 Riptide, Channeling, Switch, Ominous Rain, Sea Breeze Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Rabbit's Foot Increases luck attribute 5 - Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Gluttony Sucks up items in a 2-10 block radius depending on the level 5 Crab Claw Enchanting Table, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Handyman Keeps repair cost low 1 Any Mending, Midas Touch, Sacrifice, Curse of Crystal, Safekeep Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot Enchantments Encore
Sacrifice Repairs Tools/Armor when wearer gets hit by entities 5 Any Mending, Midas Touch, Handyman, Safekeep Treasure, Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Leech Regenerate health when hitting entities 1 Heavy Enchanting Table, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Midas Touch Negetiates some of the durability damage 1 Any Mending, Handyman, Sacrifice, Light, Safekeep Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Night Vision Gives the wearer night vision effect when it's nighttime 1 Heroes Crown Enchanting Table, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Pacifier Has a chance to make hit entities harmless for a short period 1 Any Aspect Enchantment Enchanting Table, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Bane of Bosses Inflicts more damage to boss mobs 5 Bane of Netherborn, Bane of Raiders, Bane of Endborn, Swift Slash, Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods, Impaling, Density, Breach, Blunt Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Bane of Raiders Inflicts more damage to raid mobs 5 Bane of Netherborn, Bane of Bosses, Bane of Endborn, Swift Slash, Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods, Impaling, Density, Breach, Blunt Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Bane of Netherborn Inflicts more damage to nether mobs 5 Bane of Bosses, Bane of Raiders, Bane of Endborn, Swift Slash, Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods, Impaling, Density, Breach, Blunt Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Bane of Endborn Inflicts more damage to end mobs 5 Bane of Bosses, Bane of Raiders, Bane of Netherborn, Swift Slash, Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods, Impaling, Density, Breach Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Infested Aspect Applies infested effect to hit entities 2 Any Aspect Enchantment, Pacifier Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Hunger Aspect Applies hunger effect to hit entities 2 Any Aspect Enchantment, Pacifier Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Wind Aspect Applies wind charged effect to hit entities 2 Any Aspect Enchantment, Pacifier, Heavy Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Levitation Aspect Applies levitation effect to hit entities 2 Any Aspect Enchantment, Pacifier, Heavy Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Oozing Aspect Applies oozing effect to hit entities 2 Any Aspect Enchantment, Pacifier Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Poison Aspect Applies poison effect to hit entities 2 Any Aspect Enchantment, Pacifier Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Slowness Aspect Applies slowness effect to hit entities 2 Any Aspect Enchantment, Pacifier Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Weakness Aspect Applies weakness effect to hit entities 2 Any Aspect Enchantment, Pacifier Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Weaving Aspect Applies weaving effect to hit entities 2 Any Aspect Enchantment, Pacifier Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books, Arachne Boss Drop (Katters Structures) Enchantments Encore
Wither Aspect Applies wither effect to hit entities 2 Any Aspect Enchantment, Pacifier Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Hunger Aspect Applies hunger effect to hit entities 2 Any Aspect Enchantment, Pacifier Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Bomber Arrows explode when an entity was hit 2 Infinity, Sting, Forge Shot, Ender Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Treasure Enchantments Encore
Bulletproof 10% chance of protecting the wearer from shulker bullets 1 Creeper Alloy, Fire Alloy, Ice Alloy, Darkness Alloy Treasure Enchantments Encore
Ominous Healing Has a 60% chance to spawn a healing lingering potion when hit while having 3.5 hearts or less 1 Crispbread, Rejuvenation, Hardened, Cleansing Treasure Enchantments Encore
Ominous Rain Summons ominous projectiles when projectile lands 1 Riptide, Channeling, Switch, Pufferfish, Sea Breeze Treasure Enchantments Encore
Switch Swaps places with hit entity 1 Riptide, Channeling, Ominous Rain, Pufferfish, Sea Breeze Treasure Enchantments Encore
Haste Applies Haste effect when in mainhand equipped 3 Fortune Treasure, Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Safe Landing Increases safe landing height 5 - Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Scholar of Blocks More experience from mining blocks 3 Scholar of Mobs Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Scholar of Mobs More experience from killing entities 3 Scholar of Blocks Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Poppy Peace Hit Iron Golems don't get angry towards you 1 Pickpocket, Heavy Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Pickpocket Right Click to steal items from villager inventories (Inventory Items are things they pick up not what they trade!) 1 Poppy Peace Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Rejuvenation Increases max health 5 Crispbread, Cleansing, Hardened, Ominous Healing Treasure Enchantments Encore
Bedrocker Turns Bedrock into Reinforced Deepslate upon hit 1 - Treasure Enchantments Encore
Seeker Highlights Items in a 4-12 block radius depending on the level 3 - Treasure Enchantments Encore
Sea Breeze Wind Charges hit entities away when hit by thrown trident 3 Riptide, Channeling, Switch, Ominous Rain, Pufferfish Treasure Enchantments Encore
Boltbringer Summons lightning when entity was hit by a player which at least fell 8 blocks 1 - Treasure Enchantments Encore
Sonic Boosts walking speed 3 Invisibility Cloak, Soul Speed, End Speed, Sand Speed, Strafe, Leaf Jumper, Web Walker Enchanting Table, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Crab Claw Increases block/entity interaction range 3 Curse of Reach Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Growth Increases player scale and step height 5 Shrinkage Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Shrinkage Decreases player scale and step height 5 Growth Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Pegasus Entities start flying up to 30 blocks above the Y-level they were mounted. Dismounting gives slow falling to land safely 1 Depth Strider, Feather Falling Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Red Moon Increases attack damage but decreases armor. Player also loses half a heart when hit which can be regained by sleeping or dying 3 Night Protection, Nether Protection, Day Protection, End Protection, Protection, Fire Protection, Blast Protection, Projectile Protection, Light Random Loot, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Swift Slash Increases attack speed 5 Bane of Netherborn, Bane of Raiders, Bane of Bosses, Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods, Impaling, Density, Breach, Heavy Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Moonwalk Reduces gravity when equipped 3 - Traded Books, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Invisibility Cloak Crouching turns you invisible 1 Sonic, Soul Speed, End Speed, Sand Speed, Strafe, Leaf Jumper Traded Books, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Cleansing Clears all effects but also drains durability 1 Crispbread, Rejuvenation, Hardened, Ominous Healing Traded Books, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Magma Walker Turns Lava into magma blocks when walking over it 2 Crop Dance, Summer Walker, Grass Walker, Electric Walker, Frost Walker, Depth Strider Traded Books, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Grass Walker Turns dirt into grass blocks when walking over it 2 Magma Walker, Summer Walker, Crop Dance, Electric Walker, Frost Walker, Depth Strider Traded Books, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Summer Walker Melts snow when walking over it 2 Magma Walker, Crop Dance, Grass Walker, Electric Walker, Frost Walker, Depth Strider Traded Books, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Electric Walker Powers Redstone for a brief moment when walking over it 1 Magma Walker, Summer Walker, Grass Walker, Crop Dance, Frost Walker, Depth Strider Traded Books, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Curse of Hiding Hit entities turn invisible 1 - Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Curse of Reach Reduces block/entity interaction range 1 Crab Claw Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Curse of Fragility Drains more durability points 1 - Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Curse of Welfare Destroys items in a 3 block radius 1 Gluttony Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Curse of Randomness Rerolls weapon enchantments on each hit 1 - Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Curse of Death Small chance of dying when attacking 1 - Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Curse of Breeze Wind charges entity on attack 1 - Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Curse of Crank Hurts the wearer when not moving 1 - Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Treasure Enchantments Encore
Sting Summons an angry Bee when an entity is hit 1 Infinity, Bomber, Ender Shot, Forge Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Lightning Bolt, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Lightning Bolt Summons lightning upon hit entities when they can see the sky 1 Infinity, Bomber, Ender Shot, Forge Shot, Evokers Wrath, Glass Breaker, Sting, Any Splash Enchantment, Implosion, Flare Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Trail Enchantments Leaves behind a trail of particles when the wearer moves. This one is only for the looks 1 - Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Arrow Trail Enchantments Leaves behind a trail of particles when an arrow was shot. This one is only for the looks 1 - Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment Enchantments Encore
Illumination Lightens up the area around you when headblock is not obstructed 3 Night Vision Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Replenish 50% Chance to not consume an arrow, tipped arrow, spectral arrow or firework when shot 1 Infinity Enchanting Table, Mob Equipment, Random Loot, Traded Equipment, Traded Books Enchantments Encore
Gravehold Items dropped on death will stay there for 10 minutes before they disappear 1 Deathlock, Safekeep Enchanting Table, Random Loot, Traded Books, Treasure Nice Keep Inventory
Deathlock Items dropped on death can only be picked up by the player who dropped them 1 Gravehold, Safekeep Enchanting Table, Random Loot, Traded Books, Treasure Nice Keep Inventory
Safekeep Keep all items on death at the cost of 33% item durability 1 Gravehold, Deathlock, Mending, Midas Touch, Sacrifice, Handyman Enchanting Table, Random Loot, Traded Books, Treasure Nice Keep Inventory
Ankerheart Prevents max health loss caused by dying but drains 10% durability in the process 1 - Enchanting Table, Random Loot, Traded Books, Treasure Nice Death Tweaks
Blunt Increases damage against armor 1 Sharpness, Bane of Arthropods, Smite, Bane of Bosses, Bane of Netherborn, Bane of Raiders Bookshelves in Overworld of Katters Structures Katters Structures
Heavy Increases damage but lowers attack speed and agility 5 Leech, Poppy Peace, Swift Slash, Levitation Aspect, Wind Aspect Bookshelves in Overworld of Katters Structures Katters Structures
Light Increases agility but lowers defense 2 Blast Protection, Red Moon, Midas Touch Bookshelves in Overworld of Katters Structures Katters Structures
Curse of Crystal Greatly increases damage at the cost of robustness of the weapon 1 Unbreaking, Mending, Handyman Bookshelves in Overworld of Katters Structures Katters Structures
Curse of Alchemy Grants random effects 1 - Bookshelves in Deep Blue of Katters Structures Katters Structures
Ocean Heart Grants Conduit Power, in water 1 Fire Alloy, Ice Alloy Bookshelves in Deep Blue of Katters Structures Katters Structures
Web Walker Allows to walk faster in Cobwebs and gives Weaving Aspect 1 Depth Strider, Soul Speed, End Speed, Sand Speed, Sonic Arachne Boss Drop (Katters Structures) Katters Structures
Enlightning Summons Lightning on Ligtning Rods 1 - Only on pre enchanted Items, Raj Lightning Rod, Enlightning Rod Katters Structures